Loocid BCP™ NBR

Compatible with NobelReplace®

Surgical Cassette

The Loocid surgical cassette has enough space to hold all of your Replace armamentarium in addition to our patented* bone cell protection drill bits. 

Loocid Cassette

Nobel Cassette

8 Bone Cell Protection (BCP™) drill bits for 20 implant diameters and lengths
Over 20 drill bits
Drill bits remain secure and stationary during handling
When the tray is inverted, drill bits may displace and collide.
Metal wash tray can be placed in dishwasher
Metal wash tray can be placed in dishwasher
Highest hygenic standard, grommetless
Pronged grommets
Smaller in size
Larger in size
Aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate
Challenging to navigate
Easy locking/unlocking clasp
Cumbersome clasp
Simplified Surgery

Follow the color coded workflow with a 1-drill protocol to reduce surgery time and the number of drill bits needed for implant bed preparation.

Space for everything

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Nobel Biocare®, NobelReplace®, and NobelParallel™ are trademarks of Nobel Biocare Services AG. Goods not sponsored or endorsed.

* patent pending